Seche all over the place! Click for full size.
My daughter went to bed at a decent hour last night, so I actually had some time to paint my nails. Everything is "green" to her right now, and she really likes looking at my nails and my "colors" (her word for polish) so I thought I would do a sparkly green for her (even though this is kind of blue and green.) It doesn't hurt that October is Depression Awareness Month, and I have been struggling with depression for almost as long as I can remember. I will be doing more green manis this month, as well as some pink ones for Breast Cancer Awareness!

Click for full size.
These photos show two coats of Revlon Ocean Breeze (which smells like Irish Spring soap to me) and two coats of Sinful Colors Nail Junkie. Both polishes had no application issues and dried fairly quickly. I sort of slapped it on because I was worried my daughter would wake up and start crying for me while I was sitting in the living room with wet nails, so I apologize for the sloppiness!
The biggest issue I had with this last night was actually with my top coat, Seche Vite. I had a ton of tip shrinkage with this mani, but that isn't the real problem. It's suddenly all gross and stringy, and made my mani look lumpy. I'm hoping there is some magical way to fix this, since I don't have $10 for a new top coat. Boo!
I hate not forgotten about my 100 follower giveaway! I am very excited to see that my follower count is now at 101! Thank you guys so much for following my blog. Keep your eyes peeled for a very colorful and sparkly giveaway post soon! ;)