Thursday, December 16, 2010

Perplex update, a weird photo, and possible giveaway!

I picked up three extra bottles of Revlon Perplex today. The girls who emailed me showing interest have been contacted. Check your inboxes, ladies!

I see that Perplex is a popular giveaway item right now. Would anyone be interested if I were to give away a bottle of it? I don't want to bother running a giveaway nobody would enter. I know I have a small number of followers and most bloggers do giveaways when they have a lot of readers, but I don't care. I appreciate all of you who read what I write and I would like to thank you somehow!

For your time:

Thanks for the ridiculous Christmas gifts, mother-in-law!


  1. your picture's funny! and yeah, im very much interested with the giveaway! we dont have perplex here in the Philippines, I would love to have one, if i win =P

  2. Perplex is nowhere to be found here. I would love a chance to win a bottle.
    That pic is hilarious and your MIL is crazy awesome!

  3. I would be more than happy if I'd win a bottle. I live in Finland, so there's probably no way that I'll be getting one in any other way..
    That picture is hilarious!
